Upcoming Events:
EvoGenMunich – young scientists
This two day conference provides an opportunity for further interaction between our labs. We’ll meet for engaging talks, insightful poster sessions, and plenty of opportunities to connect over coffee breaks in the Stiftungshaus of the Carl Friedrich von Siemens foundation located at beautiful Nymphenburg (https://www.cfvss.de/stiftung/stiftungshaus/). The focus of this year is to provide a platform for young scientist at the PhD/post-doc level to present their work.
Past events:
EvoGenMunich Kick-off
Welcome to EvoGenMunich’s first kick-off meeting! In October, we finally get together to share insight into work, chat over coffee and beer and define goals for future activities. Short overview talks by each participating group are intermixed with selected in-depth talks by younger faculty, post-docs and PhD students. The kick-off meeting will take place in the Institut für Tierpathologie of the LMU (Veterinärstr. 13), catering and dinner are being taken care of. Each participant, please register at https://evogenmunich.sciencesconf.org/. Everyone giving a presentation, please also provide an abstract of the talk.
We are looking forward to the meeting !
Kick-off meeting schedule (pdf)